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Some Old Projects

This page is a work in progress; more of my defunct projects will be added as I come across them.

Nothing stays put; everything moves on...
  • China's Key Temples: Originating as articles in the Shenzhen Daily newspaper, and once a Blogger site, this has now (mostly) been moved here to the new Temple Guy.
  • Chinese PilgrImage: Also began as a Blogger site to house a project of images-to-postcards, and now living here.
  • The Barefoot Fool: This was another blog; originally posted on its own Earthlink site, it was later transferred for storage to the old Temple Guy site. It ran from January to July, 2004, documenting my departure for China, and my first months there. It will eventually be moved again--probably to, as it's not strictly "tempular"--and a link will be added here at that time.
  • The Laughing Buddha: This was one of the "blogs" (using html via FrontPage) I kept sporadically on the old Temple Guy site. I also had a URL for a while (, now gone) and used the "Laughing Buddha" persona for various projects, including live events in Shenzhen, where we used to live. To this day (2019) a few people call me that!
  • The Temple Gate: Also from the old Temple Guy site, and originally a Blogger blog, it ran from July to September 2004, a successor to The Barefoot Fool. It's under-a-dozen posts will probably end up on this new Temple Guy, as it's mainly about temples. Duh.
  • The UnBlog: This was mainly just an HTML page that listed bunches of articles on the old Temple Guy site. Some of those articles will eventually come here, and some will go to Stay tuned.
  • My old Weebly site: I once had a site on Weebly confusingly named "China's Key Temples" (like the above); its data will eventually end up here, but you can see what's there now.
  • You Are That: Still alive, [2023 update: GONE, but not on purpose. Customer service glitch] but scheduled for demolition someday, this was an html/Frontpage-generated site about religion and stuff. Skim around if you'd like; I'll tell you when it gets here or on [UPDATE: As of November 2023 it is being rebuilt on Check the progress!]

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